Teaching Methodology


A strong teaching methodology is required to achieve the goal of the curricula stated in the Overview and Philosophy section.  It is comprised of:

  • Using examples and non-examples of the value being taught, usually found in high-interest stories or scenarios.
  • Incorporating role-plays when applicable.  Role plays captivate total attention; enhance retention; encourage abstract thinking; readily find application to real life.  Demonstrations can be equally effective.
  • A goal-directed analysis session to bring closure where:
    • The value(s) are identified; also the underlying reasoning processes.
    • The interrelationships of the values or concepts with others are discussed
    • The inherent rewards of applying, or consequences of not applying the value(s) are identified.
    • Real-life application is analyzed.

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Teaching Values that Stick

Character is higher than intellect and requires regular and consistent teaching of those principles that build strong value structures in our young.

Utah AIMS Textbook Commission

The lessons are well-written and easily completed within a 40-minute class period. It includes helpful information on advance preparations and materials needed. It is written sequentially with introductions, learning activities, extended activities, group activities, role plays and closing activities. Parent letters explaining the content for each unit and family activities are included. The program builds year upon year for grades K-6, plus a teen level. Each level is very age-appropriate and builds upon the previous year's content."


Character is Higher Than Intellect


"Dr. Porter-Murdock is one of our premier elementary teachers. Her skill in curriculum creation is truly appreciated by the State Office of Education."

Larry L. Yates
Dir. Elementary Education
Weber District, Utah



Email Dr. PM @
